Book 3 Over and Over Again

As our families gathered this last Mother'due south 24-hour interval, we were swapping favorite books for little kids. That's what the women in my family love to do – talk books!  Husbands, on the other paw, like to photograph flop dainty pictures.  I was telling my sister nearly one of our family favorites, Befouled Yard Dance,  and how we've read it so much we can recite it from retention while still really loving the book.  Equally if on cue, that photo-bombing hubby of mine walked by, heard the title and started reciting the book, word-for-give-and-take.  Greta came running in to see if she was missing out on something exciting. 🙂

Take any of you noticed how your kids ask for the same book over and over once more?  My boys even now will do it.  When I end a book and there is a chorus of "once again, mommy" that rings out.  I used to permit myself get a piddling annoyed or feel the need to switch out books more frequently until I read nearly WHY these echo readings matter.

Repeat Picture Volume Readings Boost Vocabulary

The size of a child's vocabulary is so very important and ane of the best ways to give this a boost is through read-aloud time!  Studies have shown that vocabulary is the single greatest predictor of success when a child starts formal learning. So much of what is taught is verbal.  The child that understands more than will naturally exist able to learn more.  And then one time a kid can read, personal vocabulary either feeds or frustrates reading comprehension.

What I find so astonishing is that we don't necessarily take to read a gazillion books to run into this increment in vocabulary acquisition. Sometimes less is more Written report after written report has shown the huge benefits in giving in to our children's pleas for "Again, Again!" and reading that same quondam book over and over again.

Dr Jessica Horst of Sussex Academy recently published a study that she conducted on 3 twelvemonth olds comparison those that read a diverseness of books vs. those that read the same book or ii over and once again for the same amount of fourth dimension. While both groups saw development of new vocabulary, the latter group far exceeded the variety group in the charge per unit of vocabulary acquisition.  Familiarity is the primal to learning new words.

This makes sense when we remind ourselves that they are learning a new language. Immersion through repetition is vitally important.

>>But what nigh for older kids?<<

While we know this works for toddlers and preschoolers, researchers have also establish that repeat picture book readings to unproblematic aged students increases vocabulary acquisition past fifteen-40 per centum and that these advances are relatively permanent. This is a powerful reminder to Continue reading to our children, fifty-fifty after they are reading on their own.

Repeat Picture Book Readings Heave Comprehension

In improver to the benefits in boosting vocabulary, repeat moving-picture show book readings also heave comprehension.  Different nuances and aspects of a story volition come to life as you read that book multiple times.  This helps our children to empathize the story at a much deeper level than if nosotros but glossed over it in one case.

Repeat Picture Book Readings Heave Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic awareness is simply a growing awareness of how individual sounds (phonemes) come together to make words.  Reading aloud strengthens this and repeat readings amplifies the effect. This is an important precursor to learning how to read.

Related to phonemic sensation is the ability to clear.  Ever heard the saying, "well-read, but poorly pronounced?"  As nosotros read aloud to our children they are non only exposed to new vocabulary, but they hear how those new words are pronounced.  This is helpful for people of all ages.

For our niggling one's it is critical. I've always KNOWN this to be truthful, but getting to see information technology in action is especially powerful.  I mentioned a few months ago that my little daughter had some pretty substantial speech communication delays.  While researching what to do, I was struck past the importance of pretend play with your child and the powerful affects of reading aloud.  Equally I became more intentional to carve out that one-on-in one case to read to my littlest it was amazing to see the results.  Not only was her vocabulary and comprehension growing, just also her phonemic sensation and ability to enunciate.  For her information technology has given us an opportunity to work on her speech communication as she practices trying to say newly acquired words.

As the research out there has been compiled a few themes sally that characterize making the most of repeat volume readings, including:

• focusing on 1 or two books at a fourth dimension

• reading each book four or more times

• reading for xx minutes or more if the child is notwithstanding interested

• reading the volume daily or every other day

Now of course these were characteristics plant during formal studies looking at the upshot of repeat reading on vocabulary and comprehension. In an everyday domicile surroundings this typically happens more than organically. Every bit you lot bring skillful books into your dwelling house (if your kids are annihilation similar mine), they'll gravitate to i or two for a fourth dimension and then wheel to something else. Mine accept all gone through seasons of asking for the same book over and over over again in one sitting.

And so today's lesson?

>> Read, read and read once more. <<

>> Reading a few repeatedly is more than effective than reading many simply once. <<

>> Take cues from your kid.  If they beg, "delight read information technology over again," so practise it! <<

Books My Ii Year Old Loves

Every bit I await back over the last few months, I thought I'd compile some of the books that Greta has cycled through.  Ironically enough, they grouped themselves into pairs and yes, she asked for them OVER and OVER AGAIN!

Her Current Fav'southward

Near contempo set:


1. Little Green ~ I discovered this gem when nosotros were learning near birds several years ago.  It is perfect for the younger oversupply.  My kids accept loved to trace the down-up-downwards's and loops that this little hummingbird makes which is a fun, playful manner to start working on writing stroke practice.  It inspires my kids to detect birds and then want to go paint them.  I honey the open up-ended approach to art in this book.  The words just roll off your tongue like butter.  And finally and probably of utmost importance in the eyes of each of my children has been finding the "caterpillar" hidden on each folio.  Greta is obsessed and this little girl that has struggled then much with articulation and maxim more than than one syllable words loves to play around with proverb caterpillar.  Information technology'due south ane of her clearest words because her incentive is and then loftier to let me know when she'south found it.  Nosotros've read this ii-3 times every twenty-four hours for the concluding 2 weeks…

hushtwo. Hush! A Thai Lullaby ~ This book came to u.s.a. via a library reading program one year.  It was one of the free books y'all could choice when the program ended.  I'grand and then glad I picked it up.  This beautiful volume follows a mom as she walks in and effectually her hut hushing the different animals.  My kids savour the antics of the "sleeping infant" and the sounds each of the animals brand.  I just noticed this week (afterwards reading it for the 110th time) that each fauna is a different color, and so it is naturally incorporating colour sensation as well.

Set 2

jonah1.The Story of Jonah ~ We received this giant board book (shaped like a fish) when Xander was built-in.  The rhyming text and interesting illustrations have captured the attending of all our children…

2. Come up Aboard Noah's Ark ~ Another giant lath book that includes great rhyming text.  We honey simply reading the text, hunting for unlike animals, finding "pairs" and such.  For kids that want to accept it a pace further, both this 1 and the Jonah story have some first-class chat starter questions on the last page.

Set three

The Seed and the Giant Saguaro - amazing book based on the "This is the House that Jack Built" theme.1. The Seed & the Giant Saguaro~I love all of Jennifer Ward'southward books.  The author lives here in Arizona, then several of her books are on desert themes.  Her dearest is the peachy outdoors and drawing children exterior through her sing-songy books.  This i is a variation of the "This is the house that Jack built" and follows a saguaro, information technology's fruit that is plant by a packrat, who is followed by a rattlesnake, roadrunner, coyote, etc…  Greta was obsessed with pointing out each of the animals and loved the foreshadowing of what would appear on the next folio.

two. Time for Bed ~ While nosotros were reading The Seed and the Giant Saguaro, she was likewise obsessed with this cute book.  She loved identifying the infant animals and their mothers.  Again, beautiful rhyming text, groovy exposure to relate-able vocabulary and a book that even I didn't mind reading over and over and once more.  This phase lasted ii-three weeks also!

Set 4

Little Blue Truck - perfect book for the 4 and under crowd. one. Little Blue Truck ~ My sister told me nearly this one.  Lo and behold, little girls love trucks nigh equally much as little blueish boys.  Nosotros read this one back in January.  Nosotros both loved reading it over again and again and again.  I wish I had had this in our collection when the boys were younger.

2. Large Red Befouled ~ I love all things Margaret Wise Brown.  When I was looking up The Little Blueish Truck, I saw that this was a recommended volume.  Don't you like how effectively Amazon "convinces" you that you need another book.  Thankfully, I resisted the Amazon urge and checked it out from the library first.   Another winner that I didn't mind reading over again and again.  Greta loved finding the tiny butterfly flitting across each page.

Later this phase was over, she had a pretty expert command of her undiscriminating animals! 🙂

Prepare 5

 1. Goodnight Moon ~ Where do I fifty-fifty start?  I beloved this book.  My mom had to buy this book twice because we loved information technology this much.  Even though we had the board volume version, it finally chip the dust and we are on round 2 over hither likewise.  Greta and I accept taken to telling things in her room goodnight.  She loves to identify different things in each pic, hush like the mommy bunny and of course find that tiny mouse on each page. {It must be a halmark of great little child books to have something hidden on each folio to find equally that seems to be a common thread in books we end upward loving…}

runawayii. The Runaway Bunny ~ I told you that I'm obsessed with Margaret Wise Dark-brown books, right?  I beloved this one so much that my nursery theme (for all iv kids) has been centered around this book.  So naturally, I was excited when Greta fixated on this book for a season.

What books have your petty one'southward dear to read over and over once again?

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How to Cultivate Read-Aloud Time

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