Where Do I Get Amazon Upload File

Step 7: Upload App Files (APK Files)

The documentation hither relates to the APK Files tab:

APK Files tab

On the APK Files tab, you upload your APK files, indicate which devices your APKs back up, and more. For more conceptual topics related to APKs, run into the following:

  • Preparing the APK File for Your App: Provides information about preparing your APK and the code wrapper that Amazon uses with your APK, too as APK size limitations and other details.
  • Device Filtering and Compatibility: Explains how attributes in your manifest determine the devices your APK supports.

(If you're uploading a web app, see Upload Web App Files instead of this topic.)

  • APK Files Fields
  • Public Key and PEM File
  • Appstore Certificate Hashes
  • Update an Existing APK
  • Adjust Device Support for Your APK
  • Add Multiple APKs for the Aforementioned App
  • Troubleshooting Common Errors
    • Error: Duplicate package proper name
    • Warning: Reduced device back up
    • Target device not available
    • Targeted by another binary in the current version
  • Next Steps

APK Files Fields

The following table describes each field and section on the APK Files tab.

APK Files tab fields
Field Description
Apply Amazon DRM?

For each app that you submit to Amazon (a single app might contain multiple APKs), you can choose either to apply DRM or make your app available without any rights management constraints. DRM (digital rights management) protects your app from unauthorized utilise. The DRM setting applies to all of your app'south APKs. Without DRM, your app can be used without restrictions by any user. If you choose to apply DRM to 1 of your apps, you lot must apply the DRM organization provided by Amazon through the Programmer Portal.

Annotation that the DRM setting applies to all of your app'due south APKs. If you have previous APKs uploaded and are adding a new APK with dissimilar DRM settings than your previous APKs, yous'll need to replace the previous APKs every bit well so they can receive the updated DRM settings. Otherwise, your previous APKs will retain the same DRM settings equally before, regardless of your choice here. See About DRM for more information.

APK File

Upload your Android APK files (drib 1 file at a time into the box). If didn't use Android Studio to build your signed APK, you might demand to zipalign your file. When y'all add an APK file, you lot can see its details by clicking the data icon APK information icon . These details include the version code, version proper noun, file size, parcel name, minimum SDK version, features, libraries, permissions, localizations, supported screens, compatible screens, OpenGL details, and native platforms. For example:

APK details
These details make up one's mind what devices are supported past your APK (filtering is explained in Device Filtering and Compatibility).

Later on you lot upload an APK, the APK receives an alias named after the API level (for example, "apilevel22"). Y'all can rename the alias equally desired. The custom alias is used internally and not be seen past customers. Encounter Preparing the APK File for Your App and Updating a Published App for more details related to APK files.

Language Support

Select at to the lowest degree one language supported by your APK. Your selection here appears in a "Supported Languages" section in the device app details page in the Appstore to let users know which language is bachelor in the app. (The "Supported Languages" section appears just on the device's display of Appstore apps, not on the Amazon Appstore website.)

The Language Support option here doesn't influence whether your app becomes available in localized Appstore marketplaces. Any localization interfaces in your APK must be handled past your APK itself, not through settings in the Appstore submission process. However, if you do have a localized APK, y'all tin can add localized descriptions and image assets. The descriptions, epitome assets, and language support pick selected here all inform your app details page in the Amazon Appstore. See Distribute Your App Internationally for more than details on localization.

Testing Instructions

Apply this field to communicate with the Amazon testing team. (If no testing instructions are needed, go out this field blank.) Testing instructions might include the post-obit —

  • If your app has difficult-to-notice features, include directions here for finding those features. Also, if y'all need to resubmit your app based on feedback from Amazon, yous tin can use this field to respond to the test written report emails.
  • If your app requires users to log in before launching and using the app, include a prepare of test credentials for the Amazon examination team to utilize. If Amazon cannot successfully launch your app during testing, the app will be rejected.
Consign Compliance Asks yous to certify that your app is compliant in all countries in which y'all've chosen to make it available. You can read more details in the "Compliance with Laws; Privacy and Security Obligations" section in the Amazon Developer Services Understanding
Use Amazon Maps Redirection Allows you to automatically redirect Google Maps v1 API calls from your app to the Amazon Maps API. Only used in tablet and phone apps if you have the Google Maps API implemented.

Public Fundamental and PEM File

In the upper-correct area of the tab, there is a link for a Public Key. This public key, which is unique per app, establishes a secure communication channel between the Amazon Appstore and your app. When you generate the public key from the Programmer Console, Amazon generates a corresponding private key. These public and individual keys form a key pair to sign license responses. Through this primal pairing, you lot ensure that the users who install your app are authorized.

The public central is stored in a PEM file. If your app uses the Appstore SDK or the Appstore SDK plugin for Unity for In-App Purchasing (IAP) or DRM, you must add the PEM file to your projection. To configure your app with the public cardinal:

  1. Click Public Primal.
  2. In the Public Key dialog box that appears, click the AppstoreAuthenticationKey.pem link to download the PEM file.

    PEM file link
    PEM file link
  3. Re-create the AppstoreAuthenticationKey.pem file.
  4. Follow the instructions for your projection type.

    Android projection instructions

    1. Paste the PEM file into the app/src/main/assets folder of your Android Studio projection.
    2. In the Projection view, the assets binder is usually in app/src/main/avails. If your app doesn't have an assets folder, you must create one. Then drag your PEM file into it.

    Unity project instructions

    1. In the Assets folder of your project, create a new folder named StreamingAssets.
    2. Paste the PEM file in your Assets/StreamingAssets folder.

For more than details, see Configure Appstore SDK with your public fundamental or Configure Unity App with Public Key.

Appstore Certificate Hashes

Certificate information, which includes the SHA-ane, MD5, and SHA-256 hashes, is bachelor from a link in the upper-right area of the tab. Equally part of the ingestion process, Amazon removes your developer signature and applies an Amazon signature. This signature is unique to you, does not change, and is the same for all apps in your account. For more details, see Amazon App Signatures.

Update an Existing APK

If you're updating an existing APK, see Updating a Published App. When you brand the update, you lot have the pick of replacing an existing APK and retaining the aforementioned Device Support selections, or removing the previous APK and re-selecting your Device Support details.

Adjust Device Back up for Your APK

Afterward y'all upload your APK, the number of supported devices appears in the Uploaded APKs section.

Number of supported devices

To manage which devices your APK supports, select Edit next to the number of supported devices. In the Device Support overlay, devices with an '10' next to their proper name are unsupported. Unsupported devices are adamant past the attributes in your manifest and the countries you targeted in Step 3: Add together Availability & Pricing.

To sympathize why a device isn't supported by your APK, move your mouse over the help icon Appstore help icon next to the device proper noun in the Device Back up dialog box, every bit shown in the following image.

Device Support reasons why

If necessary, you can manually remove support for devices that accept known compatibility issues. The supported devices are grouped into three categories:

  • Amazon Burn phones and tablets: Shows the Burn phones and tablet support for your app. Run across the Tablet Device Specifications for more details. Past default, device support for your uploaded APK is turned on for all Amazon Burn Telephone and Burn down tablet devices, and for all not-Amazon Android devices.
  • Amazon Fire TV devices: Shows the Fire Idiot box device support for your app. For details on Fire Tv device names, see Fire TV naming conventions; for specifications, see Device Specifications for Burn Television.

  • Not-Amazon Android devices: Shows Android devices on which your app could be installed through the Amazon Appstore for Android app. The Amazon Appstore supports not-Amazon devices running Android 5.0 and higher up. This choice provides additional distribution avenues for your app (and is especially helpful if your app is but available in the Amazon Appstore, not on Google Play). Inside this non-Amazon Android devices group, devices are sorted into three groups: Supported (compatible), Excluded (manually de-selected), and Unsupported (incompatible based on your manifest settings).

To adapt which devices are supported by your app, click Edit device support and update the devices indicated. Toggle device support on (green) or off (grey) every bit appropriate. Use the tabs at the top of the dialog to move between categories.

For example, if you're uploading a streaming media app designed for Fire Television receiver devices, click Edit device support on the Amazon Burn down Goggle box devices row and select the appropriate device support options on the Amazon Fire Telly tab:

Device support for Fire TV

For additional information about supported devices for your APK, see the following:

  • Troubleshooting Android Manifest and Device Filtering
  • Device Filtering and Compatibility
  • Supported Filters on the Amazon Appstore.

For not-Amazon devices, at the lesser of the Device Back up dialog, there'due south an option for All other Android devices. The Non-Amazon Android devices tin be toggled on or off equally a whole, or you tin manually adjust device support. This setting allows your app to be distributed to whatever other Android devices, including future uniform Android devices. New devices are added regularly based on device popularity. Through manifest filtering, the Appstore automatically determines the device'southward compatibility.

If you turn off "All other Android devices," y'all change your compatibility strategy from using a deny listing to using an allow list for non-Amazon devices. In other words, your APK won't exist compatible by default on those devices; instead, you'll need to manually select which third-political party devices your APK will back up.

To add together an additional APK for the aforementioned app, see the next department, Add Multiple APKs for the Same App.

Add Multiple APKs for the Same App

When uploading multiple APKs, brand sure each APK has the same parcel name in the manifest; even so, each private APK should accept a unique versionCode in your Gradle build file.

When you add multiple APKs, because each APK can only exist available for a single device, y'all have to remove support for devices from your first APK that you desire to be available for the additional APKs. The following step-by-step instructions and screenshots will analyze this selection procedure.

To upload multiple APKs:

  1. If you haven't already uploaded your first APK, upload it by dragging the APK into the APK Files box.
  2. For the get-go APK you lot uploaded, next to "Supported Devices," click Edit and remove support for devices that yous program to target with your second APK.

    For case, suppose yous accept ii APKs for your Fire Television set app — "APK1" and "APK2". With APK1, you desire to target all Burn down TV devices except Fire Television set (3rd Gen). For APK1, click Edit next to "Supported Devices" in the APK File department. In the Device Support dialog box that appears, clear the checkbox next to "Fire TV (3rd Gen)." This will make Fire TV (iiird Gen) available for APK2 to target. If you don't remove the device back up from the offset APK, you won't be able to target it with the second APK.

    Removing device support from the first APK
    In this scenario, we removed support for Fire Idiot box (3rd Gen) considering we desire to select it with our 2nd APK

    Note that if you're updating an existing APK, when you lot clear the checkbox next to some supported devices, yous may see a "Reduced device back up" alert. This warning lets you know that y'all're shrinking the number of supported devices for your app. Customers who previously installed your app on those devices (now unsupported by this APK) won't get the update. (Y'all tin can read more in Warning: Reduced device support.) Since you're uploading multiple APKs, you tin disregard this notice. After yous upload another APK and target these devices removed from your commencement APK, the warning will no longer exist applicable.

  3. (Optional) Requite your APK a recognizable alias to distinguish it from the next APK y'all upload.
  4. Drag some other APK file into the APK Files box. Optionally, change the alias for the new APK you uploaded to distinguish it from the first APK.

    When you drag another APK into the APK Files tab, the devices supported by the first APK are unavailable for the second APK — because 2 APKs can't be installed on the same device. Under the greyed-out devices, you lot should see the phrase "Targeted by some other APK in the current version." ("Targeted" just means that you selected support for the device with your app.) Remember this rule: Multiple APKs cannot be installed on the same device. With the 2nd APK, you tin select support for devices non already selected past the first APK.

    Standing with our previous example, suppose you upload "APK2" and desire Fire TV (3rd Gen) to support this APK. You already cleared support for this device with the previous APK, so it should at present be selectable with this second APK.

    Fire TV (3rd Gen) can be selected because you lot didn't already select support for it with the previous APK. The other devices have a grayness X, pregnant they are unavailable to be supported by this APK because they are already supported by the previous APK.

    With multiple APKs, the Amazon Appstore does not automatically assign the APK based on the API level or versionCode(unlike with Google Play). You must manually select the supported devices when uploading multiple APKs.

  5. When finished, click Save.

    You can add together more than two APKs per app. Go on calculation equally many APKs as desired.

Troubleshooting Common Errors

This department provides troubleshooting information related to APK submissions on the APK Files tab.

Mistake: Indistinguishable packet name

When uploading an APK, yous see the following mistake:

"Failed to upload APK. The packet name of the uploaded APK, com.amazon.android.yourapp, is already in use by an app owned by a different programmer. Please contact usa for more information.

First, cheque to make sure that you have not uploaded this APK file on another Amazon programmer account as either an app submission or Live App Test. If you haven't uploaded this same APK under another account, submit a support case reporting the issue and noting the parcel proper noun. To submit a support case, sign in to the Developer Console, click the ? in the upper-right corner, and click Contact U.s.

Note that when using development environments such equally Unity or pre-existing manifest files, it's possible that your app'due south parcel proper noun will have a placeholder value that should be changed prior to submission. The package name of your APK file must be unique to the app you are publishing and is ordinarily in the format of com.companyname.appname.

If you take an association with a developer or publishing visitor that might have uploaded your app for Live App Testing, contact your development partner to ostend that they take not submitted your app's APK file on their account. If they have, inquire them to end the current Alive App Test. Then contact u.s. with the package proper noun to resolve the issue.

Warning: Reduced device support

When adjusting device support for an APK, you see a alert that says the post-obit:

Device back up has been reduced from the previous version. Some existing customers volition not be able to upgrade. To resolve manifest conflicts, Amazon recommends editing the manifest to retain your electric current device support.

This bulletin means that, with your newly uploaded APK, you have introduced new attributes in your manifest or build.gradle file that shrink the number of compatible devices. Most unremarkably, you may take incremented the API level, which reduces the number of devices that tin support the update. Equally such, the Appstore is alert you that some devices may non exist able to install this update.

For case, suppose you publish an APK with manifest attributes that require at minimum API level 19, and customers with a device supporting API level 19 (but non support for any level greater) install the app. Later on, you update the app with new features or permissions requiring APK level 22 as a minimum. This new update will be incompatible with the previous version of the app the customer (with API level 19) installed. As a result, the customer will not run across that an update is available.

Target device not available

When uploading a new APK, yous see a message that says a particular device is not supported for your APK. The bulletin might be equally follows:

Your APK manifest requires capabilities non nowadays on this device.
android:minSdkVersion = '22'; device requires 'xv'

To run across the reason the device isn't supported, move your mouse over the help icon next to the device name in the Device Support dialog box. See Arrange Device Support for your APK above for more details. The incompatibility could be due to the API level, OpenGL pinch format, CPU, screen size and density, device features, or even other factors about your app such as lack of availability in the geographic locale.

Targeted by another binary in the electric current version

If you're uploading multiple APKs, the device might already be supported by another APK. If so, when you move your mouse over the unsupported device, information technology says:

Targeted by another binary in the current version.

Multiple APKs cannot back up the same device. You'll need to edit the device support for i APK then that you lot can select back up for the device with the other APK. See Add Multiple APKs for the Same App for step-by-step details. Run into Multiple APKs for the Same Awarding Listing for a more conceptual background.

Adjacent Steps

Go to the next step: Step 8: Submit Your App and Bank check Status.

Concluding updated: Mar 15, 2022


Source: https://www.developer.amazon.com/docs/app-submission/publish-app-upload-apk-files.html

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