Why Do the Dukes Have a Mortgage on Their Farm if It Has Been in the Family for Generatons

Names of meals are used without articles


Office 3

Do We Eat to Live or Live to Eat

Unit 1 Daily Meals.............................................................. 4

Unit 2 Food and Cooking...................................................... nine

Unit 3 Table Manners........................................................... 34

Unit of measurement 4 Eating Out................................................................ 40

Unit5 You Are What You Eat............................................. 52

Vocabulary............................................................................... 70

Office IV


Unit of measurement 1 Buying Foodstuffs.................................................. 81

Unit2 Section Shop....................................................... 94

Unit3 Vesture................................ ................................. 108

Unit4 Shop until You Drop.................................................. 124

Vocabulary.............................................................................. 141

References................................................................................ 157



Unit ane. Daily Meals.

Unit ii. Food and Cooking.

Unit three. Table Manners.

Unit four. Eating Out.

Unit 5. Yous Are What You Eat.

Unit 1

Daily Meals

Focus Vocabulary

Meals Courses

breakfast brunch dinner lunch supper the elevenses(BrE) a bite/snack tea: afternoon tea, 5 � 'clock tea, loftier tea afters/dessert titbit(appetizer AmE)/ starter/ hors d'oeuvre (Fr) class the beginning/soup form the main meat grade/ entre�e (Fr) speciality (BrE)/ specialty (AmE)


Two things never neglect to confuse foreigners when they come to Britain: cricket and British meals. However, whereas the visitor can live without agreement cricket (indeed, most British people have little grasp of the rules of the game), it is most impossible to survive without an agreement of British eating habits. The following passage may help to brand things clearer.

Understanding British meals is ane of the great mysteries to the strange visitor. Over the centuries, the British accept shown a tendency to proper noun and re-proper name their meals, and to motility them about the 24-hour interval in an patently random fashion Further to misfile outsiders, we give different names to each meal depending on our social class and part of the state we live in.

Breakfast, which was once taken at 5 o'clock in the morning time, tin now be at whatsoever time before eleven.thirty. It has thus overtaken dinner. In Norman times - the 12th century -dinner was at 9 am; by the 15th century it had moved to 11 am: and today it can exist eaten at whatsoever time between apex and 2.xxx in the afternoon and is chosen luncheon by a big promotuon of the population, especially the middle and upper classes and people from soutnern Britain. Many subcontract labourers, notwithstanding, who showtime work at sun-rise and take their breakfast before they become to work, yet finish for a lunch pause at well-nigh 9 o'clock. In the14th century, supper was at four o'clock - which is now chosen tea-time. But outside the southward-eastward of England, working families have tea or high tea about six in the evening while the rest of their beau-countrymen have dinner, which is often also called supper, at about 7.thirty pm.

Word Ex. one What do they telephone call:


1. a meal taken between dejeuner and supper if dinner is non taken in the evening

2. a snack and drink taken during the morning

iii. a quick meal in the middle of the day

iv. the first meal of the day

5. a formal evening meal in Republic of belarus

6. the primary meal of the day in England

7. a meal eaten in the tardily morning time

Notation:Run into the words in the Focus Vocabulary.

Word Ex. 2 Use the correct discussion (repast, food, form, dish).


ane. We take iii ... a day, breakfast, dmnsi and supper. 2. I like to cook my ... myself. 3. This ... tastes bad. Don't eat it. 4. Breakfast in England is generally a bigger ... than they have on the continent. five. The almost common 3rd ... at our canteen is compote. 6. Why don't you lot take a ... of meat and vegetables? 7. Dinner consists of several... 8.i like to have a dainty hot... in the evening. 9. Which ... is tastier: boiled or fried? 10. Yesterday 1 tried to prepare a very special... from a French cookery book.

Words What British People Eat

in Context

What's your favourite food?

What do you lot eat with information technology?

When do you have information technology?

You lot are going to read a text about what British people eat and when. What practice you want to know? Write some questions.


What exercise they have for breakfast?

Exercise they take hot things or cold?

Practice they eat a lot of fish?

A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal - sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms... But nowadays many people simply have cereal with milk and carbohydrate, or toast with marmalade, jam, or dear. Marmalade and jam are not the same! Marmalade is made from oranges and jam is made from other fruit. The traditional breakfast potable is tea, which people have with cold milk. Some people have coffee, ofttimes instant coffee, which is made with just hot water. Many visitors to Great britain find this coffee disgusting!

For many people lunch is a quick meal In cities at that place are a lot of sandwich bars, where office workers can choose the kind of staff of life they want - brown, white, or a ringlet -and so all sorts of salad and meat or fish to get in the sandwich. Pubs oftentimes serve good, cheap food, both hot and common cold. School-children can have a hot meal at school, simply many just take a snack from home - a sandwich, a drinkable, some fruit, and perhaps some crisps.

"Tea" ways two things. It is a drink and a meal! Some people have afternoon tea, with sandwiches, cakes and. of form, a loving cup of tea Cream teas are popular. You have scones (a kind of cake) with cream and jam

The evening meal is the main meal of the day for many people. They usually have it quite early on, between half dozen.00 and eight.00, and ofttimes the whole family eats together.

On Sundays principal families have a traditional tiffin. They have roast meat, either beefiness, lamb, craven, or pork, with potatoes, vegetables, and gravy. Gravy is a sauce made from the meat juices.

The British like food from other countries, too, particularly Italian, French, Chinese, and Indian. People often get take-abroad meals - you purchase the food at the eating place and then bring it home to eat. Eating in Britain is quite international!

Word Fabricated of or from


'Made from' is used when the original materials have been completely changed and

cannot be recognised: eastward.g. Marmalade is made from oranges.

'Made of is used when the original materials have not been completely changed and

you tin still encounter them: eastward.g. The staircase is made of pine.

Ex. 3 Use the correct preposition:

1. The salesgirl claimed that the jumper was made ... wool.

2. Many components of this auto are made ...plastic.

three. Margarine, which is fabricated ... natural ingredients, seems to be more adequate.

iv. You lot can't make butter ... skimmed milk.

5. The impressive building of the banking company made ... steel and glass towers over the other houses.

6. Lenses made ... plastic are equally good as those fabricated ... glass and much lighter.

7. Silk is fabricated ... very thin thread which is produced by a silk worm.

8. My blouse is made ... the finest silk.

9. What is viscose made ...?

ten. Breadstuff is made ... flour and h2o.

eleven. Their dining table is made ... solid oak.

12. What did y'all make this sauce ...? It's delicious.

thirteen. 'Redbrick universities' is the colloquial name for the universities which appeared in the nineteenth century. Normally they were made ... carmine brick.

fourteen. Whisky is made ... barley.

15. Vino is an alcoholic drink made ... grapes or any fruit.

Ex. 4 Compare the two sentences:

For many people lunch is a quick repast.

On Sundays many families have a traditional lunch.

Tin you explain the use of article with the give-and-take dejeuner?

Names of meals are used without articles.

Example: When did you lot have dinner?

Is dinner prepare?

Mother is cooking dinner.

While they were at breakfast, the letters were brought in.(Austen)

I take finished breakfast, band the bell.(Ch. Bronte)

The definite commodity is used when the nouns are modified by a particularising attribute or when the situation makes them definite.

Example: Thedinner we had today was very substantial. Thedinner was a success.

The indefinite article is used if the name of meal is modified by a descriptive aspect.

Case: After ahearty breakfast the iv gentlemen had a walk.


Source: https://allrefrs.ru/5-1628.html

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